Baccalaureate on
Human Resource Administration (BHA)
A professional Programme which increases knowledge and understanding, and evaluation and analysis ability, for human resource management, management and leadership, organisational control and development, administration, business and supervision, with a specific focus and specialisation in human resource and personnel management.
This Baccalaureate Study Programme with specialisation on Human Resource Administration is designed by professionals to develop the high-level skills and competencies vital in men and women seeking successful careers in human resource management, personnel management, marketing, supervision, leadership, management and related areas, for all business, commercial, industrial, government and professional fields. Such training is essential in today’s competitive business environment and a world of increasing international trade and globalisation. The Programme provides a thorough and wide range of knowledge of human resource, organizational and advanced management subjects, including leadership and strategic matters, as well as on the major subjects of communication, development, motivation and human behaviour.
ALSO: SPECIAL OFFER - valid until 30 June 2025:
The Special Offer is a free extra course on “Key Concepts In Human Resource Management”. This Special Offer applies if you enrol for any one or more of these programs:- Diploma in Human Resource & Personnel Management; Diploma in Organistional Behaviour; Honours Diploma in Human Resource Management; Baccalaureate or ABA in Human Resource Management; Baccalaureate or ABA in HR & Occupational Health & Safety; Graduate Diploma in Management of Human Resources.
- Summary of major topics
- What is included
- Related courses
- Study & Career development
CORE Subjects studied in ‘STUDY YEAR ONE’ are:
1. Business Theory & Commercial Practice
2. Commercial Practice & Law
3. Management & Administration in Business
4. Advanced Management & Administration
CORE Subjects studied in ‘STUDY YEAR TWO’ are:
5. Human Resource/Personnel Management
6. Organisational Behaviour
7. Leadership & Team Management
8. Training Management & Employee Development
Summary of Content/Syllabus of each Core Subject
1. Business Theory & Commercial Practice
- Planning, Forecasting, Profit, Objectives, Policy, Enterprises, Business Units, Directors, Distribution
- Capital, Financing of Business, Working Capital, Funds Forecast, Revenue, Expenditure, Overhead
- Starting/Taking Over a Business, Market Potential, Competition, Location, Knowledge, Goodwill
- Organisation, Delegation, Responsibility, Structure, Charts, Control, Communication, Flows
- Budgets, Budgeting, Preparation, Limiting Factors, Control, Review, Standards, Pricing Policy
- Credit and Credit Control, Types and Uses of Credit, Dangers, Liquidity, Types of Discount
- Management of Personnel, Recruitment, Job Analysis, Selection, Appointment, Induction, Policy
- Stock Control, Costs, Levels, Records, Principles of Purchasing, Buyers, Suppliers, Orders, Receipts
- Sales, Salesmanship, Customers, Marketing Management, Responsibilities, Advertising, Promotion
- Production Management, Market, Technology, Factories, Costing, Industrial Administration
- Financial Accounting, Bookkeeping, Ledgers, Manufacturing, P&L, Balance Sheets, Ratios
- Office Organisation, Room Layout, O&M Study, Environment, Control, Data, Records, Computers
2. Commercial Practice & Law
- Commerce in the Modern World, Economics Systems, Commercial Law, Trade, Banking, Insurance
- Classifications of Law, Legal Systems; Criminal & Civil, Constitutional, Common, Statute, Case Law
- Commercial Law, Law of Contract: Offer, Acceptance, Consideration; Terms & Conditions of Trade
- Credit Transactions, Risk, Credit Management and Credit Terms, Business and Credit Documents
- Legal Business Units, Financing Companies, Shares, Law Relating to Company Directors & Officers
- Law of Tort for Physical Products, Types of Tort, Recovery, Defences, Proof, Consumer Protection
- Tort Law for Services, Defects, Damages, Types of Losses, Negligence, Harm, Duty of Care
- The Law of Agency, Types of Agent, Rights & Duties of Principals & Agents, Termination, Bailments
- Employment and Labour Law, Employment Contracts, Duty of Care, Breaches, Discrimination
- Principles and Law of Insurance, Indemnity, Risk, Insurers, Types of Insurance Policies, Documents
- Tort Liability for Premises, Workplaces, Occupiers, Visitors, Liability Insurance, Negligence, Defences
- Intellectual Property Protection, Copyright, Patents, Rights, Data Security, Franchises, Passing Off
3. Management & Administration in Business
- Contemporary Management, Leadership, Commerce, Enterprises, Private/Public Companies
- Functions of Management, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Operations, Quality, Standards
- Responsibilities of Management, Seniority, Authority, Subordinates, Customers, Community
- Delegation of Responsibility, Review, Business Organisation, Expansion, Structure, Span of Control
- Communication in Management, two-way, Vertical/Horizontal, Principles, Oral, Unspoken, Written
- Planning, Forecasting, Budgeting, Budgetary Control, Preparation, Master Budget, Variances
- Manpower Planning, Specialisation, Recruitment, Applicants, Selection, Interviews, Planning, Trials
- Management of Personnel, Induction, Training, Remuneration, Personnel Policy, HR Department
- Industrial Relations, Trade Unions, Industrial Action, Collective Bargaining, Joint Consultation
- The Manager-Subordinate Relationship, Attitudes of Employers and Employees, Relationships
- Management Styles, Leadership, Respect & Loyalty, Disciplinary Action, Counselling, Resignations
- Manager Development, Traits, Attributes, Preparing for Career and Promotion in Management
4. Advanced Management & Administration
- The Evolution of Management Theory, Fayol, Weber, Taylor, Mayo, Scientific Management
- Organisations, Ownership, Categories of Enterprises, Environmental Interaction, Systems Theory
- Structures of Organisations, Growth and Development, Structure and Control, Communication
- Motivational Theories, Argyis, Maslow, McGregor; Likert, Herzberg, Vroom, Handy, Psychology
- Theories on Leadership, Types, Trait, Style, Groups & Teams, Models, Analysis, Theorists
- Strategic Management, Fayol, Chandler, Andrews, Ansoff, BCG Matrix, Porter, SWOT, Analysis
- Business Environment, PEST, Competition and Industry Rivalry, Barriers to Entry
- Managing Change, Culture, Learning Organisations, Theorists, Entrepreneurship
- Mission Statements, Organisation and Strategic Vision, Values and Beliefs, MBWA, MOST
- Stakeholders, Shareholder Value, Business Ethics, Corporate & Social Responsibility
- Communication Theory, Attitudes and Organisational Behaviour, Models and Theories
- Business Ethics, Law, Compliance, Codes of Conduct, Ethical Investment
5. Human Resource/Personnel Management
- HR Management, HR/Personnel Policy, Strategy, HR Managers, Staff and Departments, HR Functions and Activities, Responsibilities of HR, Quality Management Systems and HR
- HR Manager Skills, the Functions of Management, Organizations and Organisational Structures, Span of Control, Corporate or Organisational Culture, Organisation Charts
- Communication - Internal, External, Vertical, Horizontal, Principles of Effective Communication, Oral Communication, Forms and Written Communication, Leadership and Leadership Styles
- Manpower Planning, Job Analysis, Job Descriptions, Employee Specifications, Expansion, Scientific Management, Organisation & Method (O & M) Studies, Groups and Teams, Team-Building
- Recruitment Policy and Strategy, Sources, Advertising, Applications, Interviews and Tests, Selection, Notification, Workplace Conflict and Resolution, Gender Matters
- Environment and Job Induction, Induction Checklists, Monitoring Progress, Probation Periods, Assessing Training Needs, Skills Registers, Training Methods, Employee Development
- Health & Safety, Risk Assessment, Accident Prevention, the Work Environment, Fire Prevention, Managing COVID-19, Medical Facilities, Security, Welfare, Work-related Stress
- Motivation, Motivational Theory/Theorists and their Relevance, Managerial Styles, Managers and Subordinates, Delegation, Counselling, Discipline, Anti-bullying Policy, Resignations and Retirements
- Industrial Relations, Trade Unions, Industrial action, Collective Bargaining, Joint Consultations, Tribunals, Redundancy, the HR Role
- Employment Administration, Work Study, Job Evaluation and Ranking, Job Design and Redesign, Grievance Procedures, Payroll, Promotion, Stakeholders
- Remuneration, Policy and Systems, Allowances, Benefits, Flexitime, Equal Opportunities, Avoiding Discrimination
- Personnel Records, Statistics, Data Protection, Reports, Computers, Learning Organizations, Working-from-home, HR and Contingency Plans, Measuring Employee Productivity
6. Organisational Behaviour
- Behaviour, Anthropology, Sociology, Decisions, Environment, Objectives, Systems, Contingency
- Perception, Stereotyping, Attitudes, Values, Beliefs, Socialisation, Learning, Individual Development
- Motivational Features, Requirements, Motivational Theories, Job Design, Frustration, Performance
- Personality, Traits, Qualities, Achievement, Roles, Application, Selection Testing, Assessment
- Communication, One- & Two-way, Vertical, Channels, Blockages, Agenda, Toxicity, Assertiveness
- Influence, Power, Authority, Sources, Relationships, Control Mechanisms, Delegation, Mis-uses
- Leadership, Management, Factors, Traits, Styles, Models, Theories, Complexities, Functions
- Teams & Groups, Purpose, Creation, Development, Behaviour, High-Performance Teams
- Conflict, Sources, Symptoms, Resolution, Realpolitik, Influence, Patronage, Trust, Ideology
- Ethics, Relationships, Responsibility, Stakeholders, Culture, Pressures, Influences, Archetypal
- Technology, Production, Expertise, Alienation, Advances, Change Management, Drives, Processes
- Organisation Design, Structure, Centralisation/Decentralisation, Mechanistic/Organic, Bureaucracy
7. Leadership & Team Management
- Human Resources, What Management Involves, Employers, Employees, Employment Benefits
- Planning and Organising Work, Encouraging Employees, Training, Setting Goals, Leading Teams
- Supervision and Control of Workgroups, Motivation, Standards, Records of Performance
- Management Responsibilities to Employees, Organzation and Community, Authority, Accountability
- Delegation of Responsibility, Stages in Delegation, Decision-making, Implementing Decisions
- Workgroup and Team Building, Businesses expansion, Stages in Team Formation, Norms, Values
- Task and Relationship-oriented Leadership, Conflict Resolution, Leadership Styles, Team Life-cycle
- Types of Teams, Roles in Teams, Decision-making in Teams, Trust, Virtual Teams, Sociology
- Team-Role Theory, Specialisation, Functions, Action-centered Leadership, Empowerment
- Need-based and Process-based Motivation Theories, Equity and Expectancy Theory, Perception
- Workplace Communication, Communication Skills, Oral, Written and Visual, Barriers
- Coaching, Training and Development, Induction Programs, Disciplinary Action, Harassment, Stress
8. Training Management & Employee Development
- Employee Development Context, Cost-Benefit Analysis, Learning Style, Conditions, Expectations
- Training Needs Analysis, Priorities, Performance Appraisal, Assessment, Critical Incidents, Policy
- Core Training, Universal Programmes, Purpose, Quality, Delivery, Feedback, Activities
- On/Off-the-job Training, Guidance, Staffing, Empowerment, Flexibility, CPD, Projects, Secondments
- Monitoring, Review, Evaluation, Programmes, Testing, Reports, Factors, Context
- Programme Design, Aims, Process Consultation, Target Audience, Resources, Quality, Environment
- Mentoring, Coaching, Counselling, Qualities, Outputs, Relationship Intensity, Characteristics
- Organisation & Employee Development Strategies, Approaches, Raising Expectation, Environment
- Organisational Training Functions, Roles, Learning Organisations, Strategy & Training, Contribution
- Organisation Development, Culture, Values, Attitude, Commitment, Change, Barriers, Conflict
- Management Development, Qualifications, Expertise, Enhancement, Succession & Transformation
- Government, Development Policy, Politics, Vocational Training, Social Factors, Cross-Cultural
Your CIC Fee includes:-
- Your enrolment/registration with Cambridge International College, and your own high-quality, professionally produced and illustrated comprehensive International CIC Core Study Publications for each of the eight (8) Core Subjects of study.
- CIC’s detailed, professional Study & Training Guides with full instructions on how to study to achieve success and gain top results. An additional specially written Examinations Guide which includes expert advice, detailed guidance and tips on how to prepare for, approach and answer Examinations, is also provided.
- Self-Assessment Tests with Model Answers, and Training Tests, Questions and Exercises, which can be used as ‘Past Papers/Questions’ for Examination preparation.
- The Examination papers set for the Core Subjects; Examinations are written under Invigilation/Supervision in your own area - full details, guidance and explanation of how your Examinations will be arranged and how Invigilation is conducted will be provided when you register. Note, CIC arranges Examinations in over a hundred countries worldwide for thousands of Members every year; it is a flexible, straightforward process and will be arranged when YOU are ready to write your Examinations.
- The prestigious Baccalaureate certification and Transcript on successful completion of the Programme. Note, a First Study Year Transcript is also provided on completion of the First Study Year.
- Your personal page on CIC’s Member Services website with access to results, despatch details, advice and guidance, and more:
- Regular information and news including: Newsletters with details of special offers and new Programs and much more; and Competition Forms; by email and post.
- Everything needed for your Study & Training success is included in the CIC Fee.
- Further Study and Training Advice, and Assistance is available before, during and after CIC Study & Training; Members may ask CIC’s team of experienced Consultants for advice on further study and Programmes to improve career prospects and advancement.
- CIC’s experienced and helpful staff can assist with numerous special requests, such as reference/recommendation letters and transcripts, and more, by post and email.
- English & Administration EBA: Executive Business Administration 3 years (flexible)
- Office Management & Administration Diploma 12 months (flexible)
- Management & Administration (EBA) EBA: Executive Business Administration 3 years (flexible)
- Management of Human Resources Mastery of Management Graduate Diploma One year (flexible)
- Human Resource Management (EMBA) EMBA: Executive Mastery of Business Administration 3 years (flexible)
The Baccalaureate is designed for men and women to be able to proceed to high-level positions in their study and career areas, to gain promotions, and to carry out a wide range of responsibilities professionally, efficiently, with expertise and with confidence; this is all based upon the wide range of knowledge and understanding of vocationally and career-oriented human resource management, organisation and personnel management, business and administration skills attained from this Baccalaureate Programme.
Further high-level and specialist Study & Training is available with CIC, either in the same specialisation or in a new one, including: the Executive Business Administration Programme, which requires a Project/Thesis to be prepared, and a further specialist Subject and two more valuable and important Subjects to be studied; Mastery of Management Graduate Diplomas which specialise in a specific area of management; and the CIC EMBA Programme with various specialisations available. Equivalent studies are also available through other higher institutions of education, universities and others worldwide (see the “Success Stories” section for many examples).
There is a wide range of options for further study - see the "Related Courses" section for suggestions – which include a second ABA or Baccalaureate specialization, the 'Double Award' EBA & BBA Bachelor degree Programme, and the 'Double Award' EMBA & MBA degree Programme. You are welcome to ask the College for advice, and of course you can see details of these Programmes on this website.

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Payment Options:
Duration & Assessments
The standard Study Period is two years (24 months) but this is flexible; the course can be completed in a shorter period, or longer if necessary.
READ MORE »To gain your prestigious Baccalaureate award you must sit and pass a written Examination/Assessment on each of the 8 Subjects in your Baccalaureate Programme. Full and clear details about this are provided to you, including in your personal Study & Training Guide, after you have enrolled. The clear information explains when, where and how your Examinations/Assessments will be arranged - it is a simple and straightforward process, which hundreds of thousands of other Members have successfully gone through. If you study well and follow the advice in the CIC Study & Training Guide you will be well-prepared and capable of achieving good grades, and you will be able to achieve your valuable Baccalaureate in good time!
(See the “WHAT IS INCLUDED” section for this Course, and/or the “FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions” section of this website, if you would like more information.)
An accredited, approved qualification showing high level career competence and ability to effectively plan and conduct HR, organisation and management activity.