Honours (Higher) Diploma on
Teaching & School Management (Honours)
An innovative, interesting and career-oriented Programme which covers key aspects of teaching, school management and leadership.
This Programme focuses on teaching and school management. It explains what is required to be an effective and successful teacher and to help students learn to the best of their abilities. It teaches about managing schools (as a headteacher, as a department manager, and in other roles) and how to be an effective leader in the school environment. It explains about wider management, motivation, communication and leadership. The Programme also offers a choice of focusing on team leadership, or on Health & Safety including in schools.
ALSO: SPECIAL OFFER - valid until 30 June 2025:
The Special Offer is a free extra course on “Strategy, Quality & Contemporary Business Concerns” **. (This Special Offer is only valid for new enrolments; the one requirement is that you must provide your personal email address to the College when you enrol.)
** Or alternatively in Leadership & Organization if you prefer.
- Summary of major topics
- What is included
- Related courses
- Study & Career development
The Programme comprises of four key ‘courses’; there are three (3) compulsory/mandatory courses of study and one (1) option/elective course, as follows:-
Compulsory/Mandatory Subjects:
- Classroom Management & Psychology for Teachers
- School Leadership & Management
- Advanced Management & Administration Theory & Practice
PLUS one** of:
- Health & Safety in the Workplace
- Leadership & Team Management
**both Subjects may be studied if preferred - please ask the College for details.
Summarised details of each course comprising the Honours Diploma:
Classroom Management & Psychology for Teachers
- Education, Teaching, Classrooms, Lessons, Effective Teachers
- Building a Classroom Community, Rules, Procedures, Communications
- Applying Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in Education, Group Projects
- Student Motivation: Theories, Intrinsic & Extrinsic, Praise & Incentives
- Learning and Memory: Cognitive Processes, Learning & Memory Tools
- Student Engagement, Encouragement, Background, Educational Stages
- Teacher Styles, Styles of Teaching, Differentiated Instruction, Learning
- Lesson Planning & Preparation, Questions & Questioning, Responses
- Assessing Students Work & Performance, Grading, Marking, Correcting
- Classroom Discipline, Disruptive Behaviour, Dealing with Conflict, Social Skills
- Learning Difficulties & Disabilities; Information Technology (ICT) in Teaching
- Health and Safety in Educational Establishments, Risks, School Security
School Leadership & Management
- The Practice of Headship; school organization, standards, qualifications
- Leadership, Management & Administration; headteacher responsibilities
- The School Head as ‘Manager’; planning, organizing, problem solving
- The School Head as ‘Leader’; traits and style, distributed leadership
- Delegation of School Duties; the delegation process, supporting staff
- School Personnel; senior and middle leadership, office and support staff
- Planning and forecasting; budgets and budgeting, budgetary control, limiting factors
- Stock control and inventory; valuation, stocking factors, stock levels, stocktaking
- Credit, credit control; benefits and dangers, bad debts; discounts, types, purpose
- Partnership accounts, goodwill; departmental, branch and hire purchase accounts
- Interpreting final accounts; cash flow, ratios, break-even analysis, pricing, auditors
- Computerised accounting systems; IT operations, software, databases, security
Advanced Management & Administration Theory & Practice
- Management Theory, Human Relations Theory, Scientific Management, Theorists
- Organizations, Ownership, Enterprise, Business Environment, Systems Theory
- Organizations, Structure and Control, Responsibility, Centralisation, Decentralisation
- Motivational Theory, Argyris, Maslow, McGregor; Likert, Herzberg, Vroom, Handy, Psychology
- Leadership Theory, Types, Traits, Styles, Managerial Grids, Groups, Teams, Contingency
- Strategic Management, Fayol, Chandler, Andrews, Ansoff, BCG Matrix, Porter, SWOT
- PESTLE, Competition, Industry Rivalry, Barriers to Entry, Customer-focus
- Managing Change, Culture, Learning Organisations, Inhibitors, Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Mission, Vision, Value, MBWA, MOST, Behaviour, People Orientation, Development
- Stakeholders, Government, Shareholder Value, Ethics, Corporate & Social Responsibility
- Communication Theory, Communication Loop, Attitudes, Models, Theories, Game Theory
- Business Ethics Approaches, Law, Compliance, Codes of Conduct, Ethical Investment
Health & Safety in the Workplace
- Managing Health & Safety in the Workplace, Responsibility, Risk Assessment
- Providing a Safe Place to Work In, The Work Environment, Accident Prevention
- General Fire Safety, Fire Risk Assessment, Eliminating Hazards, Fire Precautions
- Working at Height, Causes of Falls, Preventing Falls, Ladders, Platforms, Roofing
- Safe Use of Equipment in the Workplace, Hazards, Training, Rules, Maintenance
- Transport in the Workplace, Route Planning, Vehicle Control, Materials Handling
- Safe Use of Electricity in the Workplace, Noise and Vibrations in the Workplace
- Hazardous Substances, Risk Control, Radiation, Flammable & Explosive Substances
- Health & Safety in Kitchens and Eating Places, Food Preparation and Control
- Psychological Health Hazards in the Workplace, Stress, Counselling, Job Design
- Health and Safety in Educational Establishments, Danger Areas, School Security
- Health Protection, First Aid, Training, Equipment, Clothing, COVID-19, Prevention
Leadership & Team Management
- Human, Financial & Material Resources, Management, Employers and Employees
- Planning and Organising the Workforce, Management Roles, Training, Team Goals
- Supervision and Control of Workgroups, Motivation, Building Work Relationships
- The Responsibilities of Management to the Organization, Subordinates & Community
- Delegating Responsibility, the Delegation Process, Decision-Making, Initiative
- Workgroups, Team Building, Specialisation, Group Norms, Team Formation, Values
- Leadership Styles, Task & Relationship Orientation, Team Life Cycles, Conflict
- Types of Team: Project, Operational, Cross-Functional, Self-Managed, Team Roles
- Belbin & Team-Role Theory, Empowerment, Action-Centred Leadership, Accountability
- Motivation Theories: Hierarchy of Needs, Acquired-Needs, Equity & Expectancy
- Communication in the Workplace, Vertical & Horizontal, Communication Skills
- Coaching, Training and Development of Team Members, Discipline, Job Redesign
Your CIC Fee includes:-
- Your enrolment/registration with Cambridge International College, and your own high-quality, professionally produced and illustrated comprehensive International CIC Core Study Publications for each of the four (4) ‘courses’ of study.
- CIC’s detailed, professional ‘Study & Training Guide’ with full instructions on how to study to achieve success and gain top results. The Guide includes detailed advice on how to answer Tests and Examinations.
- Training Tests, Questions and Exercises (which can be used as ‘Past Papers/Questions’), and Recommended Answers for most of them.
- An Examination set for each of the 4 courses; each Examination is sat under Invigilation/Supervision in your own area - full details, guidance and explanation of how your Examinations will be arranged and how Invigilation is conducted will be provided when you register. Note, CIC arranges Examinations in over a hundred countries worldwide for thousands of Members every year; it is a flexible, straightforward process and will be arranged when YOU are ready to write your Examination.
- A prestigious Cambridge International College Diploma on successful completion of Study & Training and on passing the Examination for EACH of the 4 core courses, PLUS the International Honours Group Diploma when all 4 courses have been completed - this is a total of 5 awards - 4 individual Diplomas plus the Honours Diploma.
- Your personal page on CIC’s Member Services website with access to results, despatch details, advice and guidance, and more: www.cambridgeinternationalcollege.co.uk
- Regular information and news including: Newsletters with details of special offers and new Programs and much more; and Competition Forms; by email and post.
- Everything needed for your Study & Training success is included in the CIC Fee.
Further Study and Training Advice, and Assistance is available before, during and after CIC Study & Training; Members may ask CIC’s team of experienced Consultants for advice on further study and Programmes to improve career prospects and advancement.
CIC’s experienced and helpful staff can assist with numerous special requests, such as reference/recommendation letters and transcripts, and more, by post and email.
- Educational Psychology & Administration Diploma 12 months (flexible)
- Early Childhood Care & Education Diploma 12 months (flexible)
- Educational Leadership & School Administration ABA: Advanced Business Administration 2 years (flexible)
- Human Resource Administration EBA: Executive Business Administration 3 years (flexible)
This Honours Diploma Programme, by having the dual "teaching/school leadership" and "management" aspects, provides a wide range of job and promotion opportunities in teaching, education and school or other learning institutions. By covering more than teaching alone, advancement up the teaching and school hierarchy to positions of more responsibility and new challenges are a great possibility. That is supported by study on managerial, organisational, motivational and leadership training, which are the skills required for self-confidence, personal development, and advancement to senior and higher positions, and promotion opportunities.
The Programme provides access to higher studies in teaching, school leadership, educational administration, and more; and to wider studies focused on administration, personnel/human management, organisational management and more; higher study includes CIC’s Baccalaureate and Executive Business Administration programmes.
There is a wide range of options for further study - see the "Related Courses" section for suggestions - which include other Honours Diplomas, ABA & Baccalaureate Programmes, and the 'Double Award' EBA & BBA Bachelor degree Programme. You are welcome to ask the College for advice, and of course you can see details of these Programmes on this website.

Sign up to this course
Payment Options:
Duration & Assessments
The standard Study Period is 21 to 24 months, but this is flexible; the course can be completed in a shorter period, or longer if required.
READ MORE »To gain your Honours Diploma you need to sit and pass a written Examination/Assessment on each of the 4 Subjects in your Honours Diploma ‘group’. Full and clear details about this are provided to you, including in your personal Study & Training Guide, after you have enrolled. The clear information explains when, where and how your Examination/Assessment will be arranged - it is a simple and straightforward process, which hundreds of thousands of other Members have successfully gone through. If you study well and follow the advice in the CIC Study & Training Guide, then you should be able to achieve your prestigious Honours Diploma in good time!
(See the “WHAT IS INCLUDED” section for this Course, and/or the “FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions” section of this website, if you would like more information.)
Four (4) Diplomas AND the Honours Diploma, certifying you have demonstrated high levels of knowledge and work expertise in teaching and school management.