ABA: Advanced Business Administration on
Educational Leadership & School Administration
This Specialisation is designed and is offered to teach or improve and develop educational management, leadership and administration skills, with a focus on education, teaching and school leadership.
The first study year (flexible):
This focuses on management, administration, and the management of training and development - and includes planning, controlling and providing leadership for the efficient operations and activities of private and public organisations and institutions. The wide-ranging knowledge, understanding and managerial expertise imparted is hugely beneficial for men and women in all types of employment.
The second year (flexible):
This focuses on management, administration and leadership for schools, education, teaching and for educational establishments. The subjects taught are designed to be beneficial and applicable to a wide range of men and women including:
- those who aspire to become not only successful teachers, but also successful school and educational leaders;
- new and experienced teachers and/or educational leaders and/or classroom managers;
- teachers aiming to become middle leaders in schools;
- teachers and school educators responsible for one or more school subjects, a section or department, or various school administrative duties, who want to improve their performance and effectiveness;
- school leaders, head teachers and principals who want to successfully manage and improve schools; and
- educators and school leaders who want to maximise student learning and overall academic success.
Implementing and Improving whilst Learning:
The great majority of what is taught can be implemented quickly to improve management, leadership and administration, the learning environment, teaching, standards, training, educational environments and results.
ALSO: SPECIAL OFFER - valid until 30 June 2025:
The Special Offer is a free extra course on “Strategy, Quality & Contemporary Business Concerns” **. (This Special Offer is only valid for new enrolments; the one requirement is that you must provide your personal email address to the College when you enrol.)
** Or alternatively in Leadership & Organization if you prefer.
- Summary of major topics
- What is included
- Related courses
- Study & Career development
The First Study Year or ‘Study Year One’ comprises these 4 Subjects/Courses
1. Management & Administration
2. Health & Safety Management
3. Management of Training & Development
4. Advanced Management & Administration
The Second Study Year or ‘Study Year Two’ comprises these 4 Subjects/Courses
5. Education: Classroom Management & Psychology for Teachers
6. Middle Leadership and Guidance in Schools
7. School Improvement and the Educational Leader
8. School Leadership and Educational Success
Your CIC Fee includes all of this:-
- Your enrolment/registration with Cambridge International College
- High-quality, professionally-produced Study Materials for each Subject/Course.
- A detailed, professional Study & Training Guide.
- Examinations guidance with advice and tips on how to succeed well in Exams.
- A variety of Self-Assessment Tests with Model Answers, and Training Tests, Questions and Exercises, and Past Papers/Questions.
- The Examinations set on the Subjects/Courses (there is no extra Fee just to sit Exams).
- Full details, guidance and explanation of how your Exams will be arranged.
- The ABA award and a detailed Transcript on successful completion.
- A personal page on CIC’s Member Services website.
- Regular information and news including Newsletters, Competitions and details of special offers.
- Study advice, support and assistance before, during and after your study.
Summary: Everything needed for your Study & Training success is included in the CIC Fee, and more is offered as well.
This special Programme is beneficial and helpful to anyone who wants a career in - or to climb the ladder and advance in - education, educational management, school leadership and school management. It is also beneficial and helpful to anyone who wants a career in teaching, training, education and school administration - or who already has a similar or related job and aspires to furthering their career and improving their knowledge and understanding to achieve greater results.
The ABA is intended and designed to accelerate and facilitate career development, promotion and advancement to high-level positions based upon significant knowledge, expertise, confidence, decision-making ability and qualification having been achieved. It allows you to seek and conduct successfully jobs and roles in a wide range of HR areas, as a specialist and as a general HR practitioner and manager.
Further high-level and specialist Study & Training is available with CIC, either in the same specialisation or in a new one, including the Executive Business Administration Programme (EBA) orthe 'Double Award' EBA & BBA Bachelor degree Programme with exemptions and reduced Fee, and Mastery of Management Graduate Diplomas. The EBA also provides access to the 'Double Award' EMBA & MBA degree Programme. You are welcome to ask the College for advice, and of course you can see details of these Programmes on this website.

Sign up to this course
Payment Options:
Duration & Assessments
The standard Study Period is two years (24 months) but this is flexible; the course can be completed in a shorter period, or longer if necessary.
READ MORE »Written Examinations/Assessments are set for each of the 8 Subjects/Courses - these are based on the contents of the professional, well-written Study Materials provided as part of the Fee. Exam Questions will require essay/written answers and might also include some objective test or multi-choice questions. All information about preparing for, arranging, and sitting Exams is provided on enrolment, and advice is always available at any time if needed.
A valuable qualification; high-level learning and understanding; professional management, teaching and school leadership knowledge; confidence and respect.